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Top 5 Practical Challenges for a PMO… that can be solved


Project Management Offices (PMOs) serve as the central hub for overseeing and managing projects within an organization. However, despite their critical role, PMOs encounter a myriad of challenges that hinder their effectiveness and success. 

5 of the most common struggles faced by today's PMO

It appears that across various sources, PMOs encounter similar issues, prompting the question: why aren’t these challenges being tackled head-on? Following thorough research, we’ve identified five common hurdles consistently discussed:

  1. Alignment with Strategic Goals:
    Ensuring that project portfolios align with the organization’s strategic objectives can be a significant challenge. PMOs often struggle to bridge the gap between high-level strategic goals and day-to-day project execution.
  2. Resource Management:
    Efficient allocation and utilization of resources across multiple projects is a constant challenge for PMOs. This includes managing staffing levels, skillsets, and competing project priorities to optimize resource utilization while avoiding burnout or bottlenecks.
  3. Change Management:
    Implementing organizational changes and new project management methodologies can face resistance from stakeholders and team members. PMOs must effectively manage change by providing adequate support, communication, and training throughout the transition process.
  4. Measuring and Demonstrating Value:
    Quantifying the value that the PMO brings to the organization can be difficult. PMOs need to establish clear metrics and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to track project performance, but also to demonstrate the broader value they add in terms of efficiency gains, cost savings, and strategic alignment.
  5. Adapting to Transformation:
    With the increasing reliance on technology and digital tools in project management, PMOs face the challenge of adapting to digital transformation effectively. This includes selecting and implementing appropriate project management software, ensuring data security, and fostering a culture of digital collaboration and innovation within the organization.

While these challenges are significant, they are often broad and not easily solvable by technology alone. Factors such as processes, scale, acquisitions, among others, also contribute to their complexity. 

However, there are more “practical” problems that technology can address to enhance the PMO’s effectiveness. Although many solutions exist in the market to address these issues, they often fall short because they fail to understand the root cause of the challenges.


Top 5 practical PMO challenges that can be solved with the right tool

Theory and practice tell a very different story. While the above struggles are complex, before you can tackle them, you need to solve what is at the root. We have identified 5 practical challenges commonly observed within real PMOs, that are at the base of more broader issues, where solving them leads to solving more complex problems. Let’s explore them:

  1. Information Retrieval: Whether you are looking for documents, templates, tasks or meeting minutes,  it seems everyone has a challenge. It all starts with good intention, but then quickly falls apart. We have seen countless SharePoint sites, Google Drives, and Dropbox with a web of folders where finding something is not for the faint of heart. Anyone involved in a project, should be able to retrieve anything quickly and should always know where everything is. Always.
  2. Active supporting of the delivery Teams: Many PMOs are simply providing guidance, but why is that? We argue if a PMO has full visibility and can identify issues and trends in advance, could and should help the project managers steer the initiatives into green territory. Many PMOs don’t have the required tools that provide that kind of quick identification and quick response to effectively support the team.
  3. Silo approach: When multiple business units try to solve problems, the issue of Silos is ever present. Working in isolation leads to mis-alignments of strategic goals, duplication of effort and many other problems. The PMO should have full visibility of all initiatives in the funnel to be able to guarantee strategic alignment and resource optimization.
  4. Repeatable processes: Delivering one project is simple enough, but delivering hundreds or more requires a different approach. To be able to scale, a PMO needs to implement a process that can be repeated over and over as well as some form of governance to ensure those critical processes are followed. The challenge is not to establish the process itself, the real challenge is to ensure the delivery teams can easily consult and follow those instructions.
  5. Ensure accountability: Lastly, accountability. When problems arise, the fingers start pointing. The same goes for great achievements: you want to give credit where credit is due. Being able to review who made what call, can greatly improve the next projects. In project management, history is one of the most important thing to consider when taking on a project as you want to ensure to improve in past mistakes or simply emulate great success.

Now that we know the top 5 practical challenges, how do we map them against the more complex struggles described earlier? Let’s review the mapping table we compiled:

Practical Challenges
Alignment with Strategic Goals
Resource Management
Change Management
Measuring, Demonstrating Value
Adapting to Transformation
Information Retrieval
Active supporting of tams
Silo approach
Repeatable processes
Ensure accountability

As you can see, solving these 5 practical challenges, you are well on your way to solve the common struggles that affect all PMOs. If you need more information on how this can be accomplished with a tool, get in touch with us. We will show you how it’s done.

Consider the right tools for a PMO

When shopping for a Project Management tool to support your Project Management Office (PMO), it is crucial to thoroughly assess your specific requirements first. The market is saturated with platforms that claim to cater to PMOs, but only a select few are genuinely built with the intricate needs of PMOs in mind.

Completix stands out as a platform meticulously designed from the ground up with PMOs as the core focus. Our solution is tailored to address the unique challenges faced by PMOs, ensuring that your organization can efficiently manage projects and deliver significant value. By choosing Completix, you are opting for a tool that not only meets but exceeds the demands of modern PMO operations, enabling your team to streamline processes, enhance collaboration, and achieve strategic goals.


Try Completix and improve your PMO

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Aug 29, 2024

  • New – Users Calendar. Unified view of all user’s calendar
  • New – Vacation calendar. Visualize your resources’ vacations in a searchable centralized calendar
  • New – Allocation Gantt. A new view that represent resources’ allocation in a Gannt chart
  • New – My Availability. Each user can set their own working time and days off. The availability is fully automated with the schedule, forecast and allocation
  • New – Effort based schedule. You can now assign effort to tasks in the schedule and report them in the Timesheet. Timesheet entries are automatically calculated and pre-populated.
  • New – Task based Timesheet. You can now report time against assigned schedule’s tasks. This functionality is tied to Effort based schedule.
  • New   Each project has a dedicated general chat
  • New –  Timesheet custom entries. Add non-billable hours to the timesheet and visualize reports. For example you can track a resource’s vacation days.
  • New   Added new interactive resources’ effort reports with time/cost views
  • New – Multi-Language support
  • Improved –  Timesheet reports now include “To Date” tally
  • Improved – In the resource view, actuals and forecast are now displayed side-by-side
  • Improved – Vendors logos are now automatically added to the vendor component.
  • Improved – New schedule, forecast and actuals triggers have been added to improve the warning engine
  • Improved – Search functionality now includes RAID items
  • Improved – Gantt charts have a new rounded look and have the resource(s) assigned visible in the bar
  • Improved – Raid. You can now hide all RAID items, while in list view, that are closed with the click of a button.
  • Change – Allocation calculation are no longer tied to the project end, and instead rely on the allocation calendar
  • UI tune-up– All dashboards have bigger graphic counters and a new coloring scheme to clearly separate the budget data from the rest.
  • Fix – Various bug fixes

Jun 7, 2024

  • New – Change Request impacting the schedule are now automatically updating the “Approved end date” of the project and are clearly flagged. 
  • New – Project duration (in days) is now displayed in the overview page and in the status report. 
  • Improved – Schedule and RAID filters have been improved
  • New – Baseline capability has been added to the schedule
  • New – Schedule history is now available. The schedule automatically save itself and provides multipole restore points
  • Improved – New triggers have been added to the warning engine to better support more use cases
  • New – Search is now available across the entire site  and covers multiple items
  • Improved: project search now includes RAID items
  • New: In the Simplified view, we have added the Tasks Kanban view. The Kanban view is now the default one

Apr 20, 2024

  • New – Document search is indexed and fully integrated with external drives (OD. GD. etc).
  • Improved – Schedule and RAID filters have been improved 
  • Improved – Milestones in gantt chart are placed in different level when colliding
  • Improved – CSV exports data improvement
  • Improved – Dashboards columns are also customizable “per user” and can be set directly in the dashboard.
  • Fix – Fixed bugs in schedule and RAID where resources couldn’t be copied via context menu

Mar 16, 2024

  • New – OneDrive Integration (2-way) 
  • New – Google Drive Integration (2-way)
  • New – Schedule Kanban view
  • New – Tracking and Operational initiatives have been simplified and add the ability to migrate to a full project
  • Improved – Document templates can now be organized into folders

Jan 29, 2024

  • Improved – Site Settings’ UI has a new look with explanation and guide
  • New – Portfolio status can now be exported unified 
  • New – Jira Integration (2-way)
  • New– MS Project Integration (2-way)
  • New– Simplified view – Record is committed automatically

Dec 22, 2023

  • New – Introduced a FREE plan
  • New – Introduced a new trigger-based Warning engine
  • New – Added charts for budget’s status
  • New– Added Portfolio Manager role
  • New– Added Portfolio view in My Dash for assigned Portfolio Managers
  • New – Project type can be hidden if not in use
  • Improved – Status reports now export in PDF landscape for better readability

Nov 25, 2023

  • Fix – Bugs and UI tune-ups
  • New – RAID Cards in Kanban mode have an updated look
  • New – Added 5 custom budget fields. You can track your own custom financial targets and display them in the various dashboards and status reports
  • New – Budget templates can now be created by importing directly from MS Excel
  • New– When, in a project, components are hidden, all related options are also hidden
  • New– Added a Resource view for Portfolios

Nov 5, 2023

  • Fix – Bugs and UI tune-ups
  • New – Introduced Operational and Task Tracking as type of initiatives
  • New – Project type tags are now colored differently for a better experience
  • New – Project types are now tracked in the Dashboards
  • New– Added ability to show/hide all details’ components separately in the Overview page 
  • New – Added a “Note” field in vendor expenses.

Oct 5, 2023

  • Fix – Bugs and UI tune-ups
  • New – Introduced Financials lock
  • New – Dashboards: added alert icons for values over the baseline 

Sep 6, 2023

  • Fix – Fixed FY calculation in PM Dashboard
  • New – Introduced a new Trial start Welcome guided setup
  • New – Table’s headers have a new and improved look
  • New – Added option to include/exclude any given project in the overall Budget and/or Financials calculations
  • New – Added option to enable/disable the budget fiscal on a per project basis

Aug 25, 2023

  • Fix – Bugs and UI tune-ups
  • Update – We updated all internal libraries to the latest version 
  • New – Introduced a Simplified project type to be used for task tracking type activities
  • New – Increased the number of components that can be turned off separately
  • New – Tasks can now be added directly from the dashboards
  • New – The Trial plan has been simplified by turning off, by default, all advanced components. All features can be turn back on in the Site settings
  • New – Individual users can now customize their dashboards by show/hide columns of data. Go to “My Account” to customize it.

Aug 10, 2023

  • Fix – Bugs and UI tune-ups
  • New – Grouping of resources in MyTeams
  • New – Pre-built budget “Estimates vs Actuals”
  • New – Status report now has a new widget: Summary bar
  • New – More components can be turned off separately
  • New – New tasks can be added directly from the dashboard

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