You have just been assigned as a Program Manager and now, you need to figure out the best way to report the Program to your stakeholders.
Each Project Manager provides you with a different looking status report for their project. Data are inconsistent and you notice errors. So, you start the journey to create a unified report and realize that it will take way more time than anticipated, way way more.
First off, without a specialized PPM tool, it’s nearly impossible to get away with a shortcut. Everything will be manual and will take a considerable amount of time.
Second, even if you have a specialized tool, it doesn’t mean that tool is designed specifically for Project and Program Managers.
To be able to automate a status report, multiple pieces need to be in place:
Not all tools are designed for this. Most PPM tools on the market favor Executive data with a lot of manual intervention, and lack the design for Project/Program Manager and team members activities that form the baseline data set.
Completix has been designed from the ground up for working Project and Program Managers. At Completix, we know the pain and complexity of producing Project/Program related artifacts, and we specifically designed our platform to be used by all players, from the team member right up to the executive. For Programs, Completix takes all individual project’s status reports and dynamically pulls them together into a single Program status ready to be shared with stakeholders in just minutes.
If you account for the time that a Program Manager can save on reporting alone, the Completix platform pays for itself right away.
But, If you also account for the all other benefits, including the ability to spot project’s issues in real-time, then the saving can be astounding.
Feel free to contact us and we will help you justify a PPM tool with hard numbers.