It seems that every SaaS provider, in every category, is aiming to include as many external integrations as possible with the goal to be more effective.
But, do we really need all of these integrations?
While some may be warranted, the vast majority are counterproductive, at least in the project management space.
When integrations are implemented, it means you inherit some limitations that can inhibit your process. For example, and this could be very controversial, OneDrive or Google drive.
While at first, you may think being able to attach documents from various places is a plus, you are not solving the main issue related to document management, which is the ability to retrieve information with ease by everyone.
A PPM application should be able to have documents and discussion in context that are shareable based on permissions. By leveraging an external “drive”, all of these features will be lost, unless you engage in some mega customization that is often not even possible or extremely expensive.
What you need to ask yourself is: how do I solve my problems? Just because you have a tool that you are already paying as part of a package (ex. OneDrive), it doesn’t mean it’s the best solution for everything. Sometimes, it actually complicates things and makes your process less effective.
Being able to create a task from an email might seem a great idea, but, if after creating this task, I still need to go to my app and edit the task with more properties (ex. risk, due date or else) what is the benefit? I could have simply gone directly to the app and created a task once and for all…unless the integration was very specific and customized with everything I needed. These type of integrations are not your typical out-of-the-box and have to be defined for specific use cases.
Like the example above, most generic integrations for enterprises are not very useful.
The utopia of one app for everything in your business is just that: a dream.
To be successful, you should use apps that are purpose-built and open to communicate in order to share data that can be used in other context.
For example, data you collect in Completix, can be easily shared and used in your financial system with some simple API calls. These type of integrations are 100% more effective and useful compared to generic ones.
Enterprise requires customization, as one-size fits all never works well.
Completix is built with REST APIs and we can help you customize an integration that truly suits your needs.